Because of the public holidays on Monday and Tuesday, the first Advanced YAN class had to be postponed until next Tuesday the 22nd. During regular club hours on Wednesday, I had more than half of the Advanced level students pass by to greet and confirm next weeks agenda. They really are a motivated group :)

This week during the Lycee club, we started out by watching a video ( showing the uses and power of technology in the modern world. The students, and even myself, were very surprised and fascinated by several facts such as: China will soon be the largest English speaking country in the world. After playing a game that better explains inequality and wealth distribution around the world, the whole class went into discussion mode. I love hearing what these bright young students have to say about these topics. To get a better understanding of what will be expected throughout the year and what the students will be working on, we watched a couple of videos from last year. To end the class, students wrote about what a "perfect Cameroon" would look like, why, and how people can work towards that vision. I'm excited to see what they have written - I know I will be impressed.