Browsing Archive: May, 2014
Posted by Antonia on Tuesday, May 27, 2014,
Please bare with me as the
last two weeks have been a whirlwind of editing, website updating, graduation and
internship preparations, planning of the summer camp and so so much more. Please
read the next couple of blog posts to get back up to date on whats happening in
Buea with YAN!
There is A LOT in store for YANers
in the next couple of weeks – Both for those reading from home and those in Buea, Cameroon working as
As you have read in the last
post, our main p... Continue reading ...
Editing: Short and Sweet
Posted by Antonia on Wednesday, May 21, 2014,
Every group besides two have
at least started editing their
project. Last week we several groups not only begin editing their videos but
also finish editing their videos!
Wow, it was a proud moment for me as their teacher to see them complete their
final project. The first group done was Deforestation.
On Wednesday in both schools
we had 2 groups editing (since we are using our personal computers we can only
have 2 at a time) while the others played a game and arranged another time to
mee... Continue reading ...
Ideas are Flowing
Posted by Maddy on Saturday, May 17, 2014,
This week was a bit
different at Lycee Molyko as the kids were busy studying for, and taking their
exams. Usually we meet on Wedensdays for class, but because of exams we met on
Monday instead. This led to a small class with only two groups showing up. In class
the kids were working at various stages of their projects. Some of the kids
were in the process of editing on the computers, while others still needed to
shoot footage. I helped one student shoot his introduction, and helped him
decide... Continue reading ...
Envisions of a YAN Summer Camp and Much Much More
Posted by Antonia on Wednesday, May 14, 2014,
The last few weeks have been
the most hectic yet! Besides the regular classes and make up classes that I
have been teaching all year I now have additional responsibilities to make sure
I fulfill. Recently I have been running around from one office to the next
dropping off interview request letters on behalf of the students and then going
back a few days later to schedule the interview. Everything here is a bit of a
process so patience is seriously a virtue. During class time, the students
are... Continue reading ...
Time is Flying By!
Posted by Maddy on Monday, May 5, 2014,
Last week the classes at Lycee Molyko were a change of pace,
as the kids finally began editing their videos on the computers. Some of the
groups still had conclusions to shoot and interviews to conduct, but others
began the task of uploading scenes and editing title pages. A few of the
computers had new editing software, which posed some learning opportunities for
the students. Some of the kids worked on creating a title across their videos,
while some created a rolling credit page. Students ... Continue reading ...
The Ring Road: Kumbo, Ndzenshwai, Wvem and Oku
Posted by Antonia on Sunday, May 4, 2014,
"Life is not about the destination, it’s
about the journey."
The Ring Road: Kumbo, Ndzenshwai, Wvem and Oku
in Short: People: Man at the
car park in Bambili, Edwin, Alison, Gilbert, Mary, Divine, Roland, Hassan and
Bonafice. Places/Things: crammed
car ride, travelers inn, coffee shop, waterfall outside Shisong, 2 waterfalls
and 2 caves in Wvem, soccer game, Oku palace, ‘museum’, lake and waterfall,
hassan’s lovely houses on the Oku Mountain side, torrential downpour, Kati
Kati, An... Continue reading ...
Let the editing begin! And lets make it fast!
Posted by Antonia on Sunday, May 4, 2014,
![](resources/IMG_3126.JPG) Here is Cardaine working on editing his Nature Conservation video. The Advanced YAN students met not one, not two but THREE times this week. They were so motivated they came to the regular club class on Wednesday to use any extra computers for editing! We tried to make it four days, but when we arrived on Saturday, Mr. Muluah who is usually working in the computer lab was not around and I called for nearly 1 hour straight but he didnt pick up his phone either.
The poverty group unfortunately k... Continue reading ...
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